This nice roasty, chocolate stout will be a great winter beer. If you want it a bit higher in ABV simply chuck some light dried malt in (1kg will roughly bring it up to 7%)
Based off 75% brewhouse efficiency.
23 Litres
OG 1.063
FG 1.018
ABV 5.9%
Gladfield grains
4.8kg American Ale
460g Rolled Oats (BLM)
280g Wheat
230g Dark Chocolate
180g Roasted Barley
33g Warrior 60 min
37g East Kent Goldings 30 min
46g East Kent Goldings 10 min
2 x Lallemand Nottingham
Mash temp 67°c 60 min
Mash out 75°c 15 min